L’institu Chubri vieû aidë a rdon·në l’galo é pu jiënn e é horvenu. Pourr sa, son but, s’ée d fèrr dé-z outi linghistiq fondmentao pourr qe l’mondd pev etudië e s sèrvi du galo ô jour d’anët.
Dedpée 2007, Chubri aji surtout den le dmënn de la linghistiq du galo pourr aïdë a l’·rdon·në :
En pu d sa, l’institut linghistiq mèt su pië dé fzaunç de devlopment pourr fèrr cnétt sé fzurr e pourr sensibilizë l’mondd su l’galo, lé drët qhulturao e langaïjiéer, e pée su l-z enjeû d la ravigotri du parlement : d la ghimentri, dé contribuçion pourr dé banî, dé préchée, dé propôzée d politiq publliq, ou bin la prinzz part é rézô souèton·niéer…
Chubri ée in souèton slon la louae d 1901. Il a të decllarë ô Jorna ofiçia l’ 23 d septenb 2000. En juin 2007, l’sujit du souèton fu chaunjë pourr se raportë a son nouviao projit. L’sujit-la ée detâlhë den l’artiq 2 dé statut (qhi’on të astourë en 2015) :
« L’sujit du souèton, s’ée d fèrr l’inventérr du galo, de ll etudië, d l'astourë e d’egâlhë lé cnéssaunç q’i crèy.
I contt prendd part a :
Il a conm but :
Chubri ragrou dé menbr en titr e dé menbr soutnaunt ou soutnauntt ; il on tout l’drët d votë en graundd assenbllée.
Châq an·née, la grandd assenbllée deçidd le dirijment d-z acçion e d la march du souèton. Èl eli in consalh dirijaunt qhi’ée encharjë dé deçidd courantt. En-dden l’ consalh, le buraod aparr e lé deçidd du consalh e i s'asurr q'i son minzz su pië, en travâlhaun d prée do le mnou.
L’ consalh dirijaunt qhi’a të elu en juin 2022 :
Chubri fu soutinz en 2022 parr l'etat e lé colèctivitë-çi :
Du "chubri", s’ée du "rôz", la pllantt qhi s trouv su l’ bord dé-z etaun e qhèq fae den lé mârr. L’ mot-la s di den la contrée d ·Rtiér e d Janzë (35). Senb·l q’il ée pouint ghèrr evâlhë, pouint aotaunt conm "rôz" qhi’ée pu couraunt. L’mot-la sèrvi en 1982 pourr nonmë in projit d’afilonjée d livr de livr du Laboratouèrr d’Etudd e d’Ençèrch Galéezz. Malgrë q’i’u rin q’in limerot d bani, l’livr-la a marqë du mondd a caozz qe sa të la p·rmierr fae q n’avë dé contribuée d'universitérr qhi tein ag·rouée d minm den le dmënn du parlement galéez. Parr le titr-la, l’souèton a vlu saluë l’ouvraïj fètt parr le mondd qhi contribu a devlopë la savaunç su l’galo.
Sietâ soçia > 23 rabinn de Ghuyënn, 35000 Rënn
SIRET > 478 382 930 00053
NAF > 9499Z
Grafiss : Stéphanie Triballier / Le Jardin Graphique
Devlopment web : Yves Robin / Le Jardin Graphique
The Chubri Institute aims to encourage the transmission of Gallo. Its goal is to create basic linguistic tools to allow for the study and use of Gallo today.
Since 2007, Chubri has been active in the following domains:
At the same time, it carries out different development initiatives to make Gallo more widely known, and to make people aware of the stakes at play in the revitalization of this language: dissemination of information, editorial contributions, organized lectures, proposals defining public policies, participation in networks of organizations…
Chubri is a nonprofit organization (association loi 1901). It was registered with the government on September 23, 2000. In June 2007, the organization’s official objectives were modified to take into account its new mission.
These objectives are detailed in Article 2 of the statutes:
“The organization has as its object: the inventory and the study of Gallo, its modernization and the transmission of knowledge thus produced.
It aims to:
Chubri is composed of full members and associate members, all of whom have the right to vote in general assembly meetings:
Each year, the general assembly decides on the course the organization will take during the coming year. It elects an administrative board that has authority to make day-to-day decisions. At its heart, the officers prepare and follow the decisions of the board, in close collaboration with the director.
The administrative board elected on July 4, 2020:
The following collectivities provide yearly support for Chubri’s linguistic engagement:
The institute also receives grants to help it carry out specific projects. In 2020, the Regional Cultural Affairs Directorate of Brittany (DRAC Bretagne) supported a project to help Chubri record native speakers and diffuse linguistic datas and knowledge. Moreover, the Regional Cultural Affairs Directorate of Pays de la Loire (DRAC Pays de la Loire) is providing support for an oral-interview-based inquiry into vocabulary in Loire-Atlantique and its publication on line.
The word “chubri” means “reed”, the plant that grows along the shoreline of lakes and ponds. The word is used in the environs of Retiers and Janzé in Ille-et-Vilaine and seems to be quite local in scope. Indeed, the term “rôz” is more common in Gallo. The name “Chubri” was used to designate a book collection project of the Laboratory of Gallo Study and Research (Laboratoire d’Études et Recherches Gallèses). Although only a single volume was published (1982), this project made a strong impression because, for the first time, it gathered together contributions from a variety of scholars working in the domain of the Gallo language. By choosing the name “Chubri”, the organization wanted to honor all of those who contribute to the development of knowledge about Gallo.
Headquarters > 23 avenue de Guyenne, 35000 Rennes, France
SIRET > 478 382 930 00053
NAF > 9499Z